Von Schweikert VR4 SR IV

I am considering to purchase a pair of VR4 SR IV to replace PMC OB1. Presently I am using Bryston 7B SST monoblocks, BP-26 preamp and Reimyo CDP-777. Users detail comments and suggestion would be helpful. Thank you.
I own Von Schweikert VR4 Gen III HSE, and once owned Bryston 14B SST and BP-25. My comments aren't apples to apples, but the "house sound" may be close.

I thought they Bryston/Von Schweikert combo was a good combination except for some brightness I found annoying. You may not have this issue considering the different tweeter in the VR4 SR, and your Reimyo CDP-777. The bass was rock solid and deep. The background was black and quiet. The midrange is accurate, if not magical, but that's what Bryston does well.

I suspect it will be a good pairing.
I own a pair of VSAVR4 Gen III SE's. I can tell you, amplification will make or break you acceptance of this speaker. After trying many amps (both solid state and tube) the one that hit the home run with me was the Audio Research VT100 MkII. Another favorite, if you want to go solid state, of mine was the Levinson 334. I just liked the tube magic of the VT100, however the Levinson 334 was very good as well.
The VR4 is an extremely neutral speaker, what goes in, comes out. Meaning? You'll hear ever little change in front of the speakers. As a further suggestion, pay close attention to your speaker cables. I've had much luck with the Purist cables. I hope this helps.
The VR4 is an extremely neutral speaker, what goes in, comes out. Meaning? You'll hear ever little change in front of the speakers
Absolutely correct.
If you're looking for a speaker that can re-create a live music venue, and want a speaker that does all facets of the game well at a reasonable price, then the Von Schweikert VR-4 SR is for you. I highly recommend these speakers to anyone seeking to upgrade their system and to bring them to the next level. I wrote a brief overview on another thread here:


Hope this helps.

Good luck !