VPI Aries 3 Has Arrived

The Aries 3, Super Platter, with the Dynavector 507 MKII has arrived! Delivered in just over 3 weeks...

So far it trumps the Scout in every way! Only reservation (observation) is that it seems a tab bit "slower" in the pace n' rhythm department than my Scout. The Aries 3 sounds more 'refined,' more 'controlled' overall. I am told by my stereo shop guru that this charcter will change over the next 50 to 100 hours as the platter bearing, tonearm, and tonearm wire break-in a bit...

Awesome piece of equipment; a beautiful work of art...

Have anyone else noticed a change (improvement) once a few hours have been logged on their TT?

thanks for the feedback; wondering how much impact adding the SDS will have? I've logged another 15hrs or so listening to the Aries and I still swear that it is a tad bit 'slower' and less rhythmic overall than the Scout... Perhaps it is still not quite 'broken-in'...
I think the additional control of speed and the stability of that speed makes the SDS a very worthwhile addition. You will absolutely need it if you plan on the rim drive, but even if you don't, it is a valuable control. On cartridges, the Dyna XV1S is worth the up cost, however there are many excellent cartridges in that league that you should also consider.
Ditto on the SDS. Once you have it, you can't imagine yourself without it.
