VPI Classic 3 anyone try a Denon 103R

I have to admit, all the cartridges and turntables that I have been thru over the years, I really found that I really enjoyed the Denon 103R as much as any..AND I have had quite a few!

I just bought a new Classic 3 in Rosewood...I just wondering if anyone has tried it on a Classic 3.. Is it a match with this arm? Compliance issues? Other?

How bout phono stage recomendations?


Thanks guys!

Interesting... That's what I find when I search... Someone seyz no way, wont werk... Another seyz awesome...

Also considering the Dynavector DV20X2 or XX-2 II Low Output versions...

What about the Dynavector P75II Phono Stage? Decent? If it will drive all Dynavector cartridges as is . why does Dynavector offer a $3000.00 step up?

I listen to 99% Jazz... Double bass, Bari and alto sax, vocals...

What's important to me:

Likes: EASE in presentation, Weight in bottom, texture, bloom, midrange rich, not syrup but rich...

Dislikes: Hyper detail, cold, super fast, brittle, cold , sterile, any kind of glare, tizzy.



The xx-2 is twice the $$.. Can you tell me the differences?

How about that with the Dyana 75 phono..
Or Rouge Ares? Or ??


I have a Classic with both weights. I use the Denon 100th anniversary model, another variation on the 103. I noticed that Soundsmith made a VPI specific cartridge and that is is a lot heavier than most other cartridges. I got a gram weight to add to the tone arm, it is flat and sits between the cartridge body and arm. I added blu tack between arm and weight, and between weight and cartridge. It sounds amazing, I am completely happy. I use Kimber silver cables into and out of a Parasound JC-3. It is dead quiet and compares to my Ayre CD player. It may be an old design, but the performance leaves nothing wanting.