VPI Classic and ZYX 4D

Hi guys,

I am finally setting the TT and I was hoping to give it a shoot today but apparently problems never end.
I mounted the pick up on the tonenarm leveled the tonearm and I was just about to regulate the reading weight when I realized that even puching the counterweight all the way in I barely reach 1.2gr.
I own a ZYX 4D with the SB@ option which accordingly to the manufaturer it weights 7.9gr which should be perfectly ok.
I think the Dynavector Diamond is 7.5gr or something like that.
I have never seen anybody having this issues...I tried to reasearch but nothing.
I contacted my dealer but he has no clue.
I tried to call VPI but they are unfortunately close till the 13th!!!!
So I don't know what else to do.

If anybody can give me some help I would really appreciate.

Thank you so much.


yes I am sure I have the SB2 option as I can see the silver base at the top of the cartridge.
I temporarly fixed the issue using the screws supplied by VPI (they came with the TT) that are heavier than the screws they come with the cartridge.
With those screws, pushing the couterweight all the wai in I can measure a tracking force of 1.95gr whch is basically what I wanted to have.
the only thing is that the coutereight is pushed all the wai forward and touches the base of the arm.
I don't know if this might be a problem for the sound or not.

Am I wrong by saying that the closest the counterweight to the pivot of the arm the better it is?
If so, then wound't it be a good thing the fact that I have to push the weight all the way in?

I will check the fine adjustment's screw.

BTW the lifting cue mechanism is released and the arm is freely moving and there is no external antiskating installed.
I just had this problem with an Ortofon Red in a Scout arm. The permanent solution is to get a different counterweight from VPI. The temporary one, which worked fine for me, was to fix a nickel to the top of the headshell [or where the headshell would be if it were detachable] with a small bit of Blutak. You can now move the counterweight back, I think it sounds better farther back even if you can squeeze out the correct force by having it very close. Not particularly esthetic but sounded good.
I would check with VPI to see if they have a different counterweight. I have a Basis 'table/arm, and I had to order a different counterweight for heavier cartridges, like the Dynavector XV-1s, from Basis. Hopefully you get a chance to listen to the 4D at it's best. I, myself, wouldn't feel comfortable attaching a coin to the tonearm.

Currently I'm running a ZYX 4D-X SB2 and I have to say that I am very impressed. I like the 4D-X better than my previous UNIverse-S. The UNIverse had a sweeter midrange, but the 4D has better resolution and extension. Some of this may be due to the silver vs. the copper coils.

It sounds like you are there with the longer screws which weigh more but, if you need more weight, you could try longer screws which would add weight too.

just a thought...
Hi John,

thank you for yuour post.
I have listened to the cartirge a couple of hours yesterday and it is so dead neutral that I am very, very impressed.
There are a lot of thread stating that the 4D is the same as Atmos.
I don't know about that, but if it would be so , then, your previous Universe, would definitely have to outperform your 4D.

The tracking is perfect, although I am going to make better regulations today with my Mint LP and the Azimuth with the meter (I did it yesterday but I didn't spend so much time on it).

I will probably attach the little bolts to the longer screws (although the ZYX comes with the Zn's option i.e. litle bolts on the body of the cart) and that should add some little weight to it and maybe I will be able to move the counterweight a little bit back from the unipivot.

But it is still unclear to me: is it better to have the counterweight as close as possible to the center pivot or not?

I will probably look into the heavier counterweight from VPI and now I am going to check the internal screw inside the counterweight's stub for for weight's fine adjustments and see what's the situation.