VPI HW19 MkIII vs. Michell Gyrodec?

Hi all, I've lurked around the forums here but never posted before. Now I have a question!

I'm looking to take my first real foray into the high-end by upgrading basically my whole system. I'm replacing an AR ES-1/Linn Basik/Aurum Beta and I've got it narrowed down to two 'tables. I'd love to hear what you think about each one, and which you'd buy if it was you:

VPI WH-19 MkIII with an AudioQuest PT-9+ and my Aurum Beta (I'll upgrade the cart later!)

or a Michell Gyrodec SE with the venerable RB300 and my Aurum Beta.

I've been able to audition the VPI locally and I definitely preferred to the Nottingham Interspace, plus I live in a loose bulding with plenty of vibration and NO possiblility of a wall shelf, so I need a competent suspension! However, I hear such GOOD things about the Gyro SE. Unfortunately, there isn't a Gyro even remotely close to me so I hear one.

What to do!?

My amp is a Conrad Johnson MV55, interconnect is Audioquest Viper and AQ Type6 speaker cables to Clements 107di's. I haven't yet bought a preamp but am looking at either the JJ 243 which has a nice tube phono stage, or a CJ PV10B with phono stage.

Thanks for any help!
Dirtyragamuffin - Sadly, I don't have an answer BUT I pray someone comes to help us with this question. Do you think we'd get a discount for buying two? (ha-ha)
Dirtyragamuffin, you can't go wrong with either turntables.

I have owned both VPI HW19MKIII and Michell Gyrodec(full version, bronze edition) for a while. Both are excellent turntables. Currently I have ET2 or 309 tone arms on VPI and SME V or 309 arms on Gyrodec. When comparing two turntables with same arm(in my case SME V or 309) both VPI and Gyrodec with same cartridge used, it is very hard to pick one over the other purely based on sound. To summarize the sound, VPI has more of darker presentation compared to Gyrodec. Gyrodec has little more airy sound. Sound preferences will depends on type of music you listen to and the rest of your system set up.

Gyrodec definitely has the look, even my wife loves the turntable. VPI has easier upgrade path, easier to find parts(used), and less picky on set up. You can upgrade Gyrodec close to Orbe. VPI really sings with ET2 tone arm(I really like this set up). Michelle works well with Rega or SME arms.
Thanks for the response! I went ahead and ordered a JJ 243 preamp/phono stage today, so that will be part of my system. I forgot to mention, I listed to lots of different music from rock and metal to blues and folk to jazz and sometimes classical or electronic, so verstility is a good thing. The Gyro definitely has the look, but my VPI dealer can get me a VPI with the AQ PT-9 for about $400 less than my Michell dealer can get me the Gyro/RB300...with the money the VPI would save, I could get a very nice interconnect or trad up my Beta to a Virtuoso Wood...but I don't know...somethig about that Gyro! Also the VPI would take about 8 weeks to get in; I could have a Gyro within the week. Hey I'm a patient guy, but my beat-up AR perched atop a rack of tube amps...augh! Killing me! ;)

Ahhhh, what to do!

I don't know how much I can help you but here are some things to think about (if you haven't already received the Michell unit):-

>>plus I live in a loose bulding with plenty of vibration and NO possiblility of a wall shelf, so I need a competent suspension!

In this case, the Michell is a BAD choice & I feel that you will regret it! To get the best out of ANY suspended TT you need a rock-solid place to put it such as a wall shelf or a concrete stand such as that made by VPI or by Billy Bags. These things are freaking heavy but the idea is to arrest all vibrations from getting to the TT. If you let vibrations get to the TT, your suspended TT will sound merely mediocre & you will never realize its full potential. It'll be marginally better than your present setup. If I may, I'd recommend you go for a non-suspended TT such as the VPI Scout or Scout Master or a Nottingham Interspace. In your setting, the Nottingham should be the outright winner. Get the Nottingham w/ its corresponding tonearm - there is a lot of synergy between the TT & its arm as my good friend, who owns a Spacedeck, found out. He couldn't believe how much things got better when he swapped out his Origin Live Silver 250 for the Space tonearm!

* The RB250 is a more stable design than the RB300 as the 250 has bearings on *both* sides of the tonearm while the 300 has bearings only on *one* side. This is also why Origin Live chose to upgrade the RB250 & create a Silver 250 over the RB300.
A inherently more stable tonearm translates to its use with a much, much larger range of cartridges & cartridges that have a low(er) compliance such as the Denon DL103, Shelter & Koetsu types.

* You Aurum Beta cart. should work just fine as-is & I would spend top $ on getting the best TT. In order of priority that yields most spend the max. on
1. TT
2. tonearm
3. cart

'cuz if you put a stellar tonearm on a mediocre TT, you'll limit the tonearm & will obtain on mediocre sound. Same logic applies to mounting a stellar cart. on a mediocre tonearm. It is much better to mount a mediocre tonearm on a stellar TT as you know that the tonearm is giving you its best. Any subsequent upgrades in the tonearm will yield much better sound as the TT will not limit the sound. This, of course, is valid until you reach the limits of the TT. That is why buy the best TT possible w/ your $. You can keep it for a long time while you upgrade the tonearm.

* From a very reliable source (who I will insist on keeping confidential) I understand that the Michell suspensions are not as SOTA as its rivals. This person sells VPI, Michell, MMF & Nottingham for a long, long time. Many, many people, who have used his services, have nothing but compliments to pay to him. He has rarely misguided people & I have personal experience w/ him as do some of my friends. All, I'm saying is that I trust his advice completely. When I was looking for a TT, he recommended a Nott. Spacedeck w/ Space arm. I didn't go with his suggestion 'cuz of looks *only* . However, sound-wise, this TT-tonearm kills almost all its rivals & is *far* ahead of VPI & I have heard a VPI Aries-JMW10 & JMW12 TT.