VPI table owners, help please.

I'm using the SuperScoutmaster with VPI signature arm and Dynavector XX2 or 17D3 cartridge. I'm using an Ayre P-5xe phono stage. Was wondering what cables you guys & gals have been using (or not using because?) between your arm and phonostage? I run RCA from arm to phono. Looking in the $500.00 range new for 1m pr. Any opinions would really help.
Rest of the system is VPI SDS, Ayre K-1XE preamp, Parasound JC-1 monoblocks, and Thiel CS7.2 speakers.
I have the Scout using a Fidelity ResearchFR1mk3f into a Sutherland PHD,and I presently use Shunyata Aries.I tried a half metre length of Kimber PBJ because it has thin wires similar to the arm wire.Not a very good sound.The Shunyata went back in. Also have used Cardas 300B, Axion, and old Audio Technica cable(no joke, very smooth,litz type)all had their own strengths and weaknesses.Never had any ground hum issues with any of the cables.
With the Aries 2/JMW10.5 I use Harmonic Technologies Crystal Silver phono cable. Great cables.
"Cardas says the cables are pretty much the same whether phono or regular. Just set up to use with DIN connector and I should just use the normal rca/rca cables. "
I guess one could say that all cables are pretty much the same." In fact is not that the current debate. Some say zip cord is "pretty much the same" as all.
Don't take my word for it . Give it a try. Include on your list a well made silver phono cable. You'll be glad you did.
Gregadd, I have several "normal" and phono cables setup for audition. Dont assume me to be in the camp of people that think cables are all the same. If I was I would not be on this hunt. First three are going to be the VPI and Zu Xaus phono cables and Nordost Heimdall (regular rca-rca cable). I also have here an extra pr. of Audioquest Panthers and some nice homemade solid silvers that a friend brought by. Hopefully one of these will be all I need.
Any one else have a problem with active ICs? I have a pair of Looking Glass active that cause a low level hum in my speakers when the active sheilding is plugged in. Happens only when I use the cable between Scoutmaster and phono pre, or phono pre to preamp. Other active cables in my system are not a problem.