Wadia 860, Levinson & Aero Cap Direct into Amp

Has anyone compared any combination of these three players running direct into the power amp? Or even the Accuphase or Resolution Audio 21? If so what did you hear? I am looking for a natural and musical sound, that is not forward or bright. Details, dynamics and a wide soundstage are also characteristics that I am interested in, etc.

Thanks and Happy Listening.
I have to disagree with you RP1 I had the Tri-Vista SACD player in my system for about 4 months, then traded it for the 390s, and minutes after connecting it I realized that I made a BIG mistake. The 390s Compared to the Tri-vista sounded cold and etched in the highs, and had me waiting for it to warm up. To my ears the 390s just could not give the soundstage that the tri-vista gave, nor could it image as good. I guest what I’m trying to say is the tri-vista is more musical and more analog sounding to my ears. I kept the 390s for 5 months, sold it, and picked up another Tri-Vista SACD Player, and even though my system now, doesn’t as cool as it did with the 390s in the picture, it sure sound more musical, and I can play it much louder.
I guest what I’m also trying to say is that from what I have read about the AA Capitole, it can’t sound too much difference from the Tri-Vista since they are both tube players
I agree with Nathanu. In my opinion, the Wadia 861 with the Statement Upgrade is an upgrade above the AA. The Wadia is built a hell of alot better too!

I haven’t heard the 390s but someone I trust tells me that it isn’t nearly as good as the upgraded Wadia.
Why should you "have to" upgrade a cd player that sells for 8k new-- aka Wadia. I have heard one in my house and I can understand why people send these units off to GNS. Not having any interest in getting involved with mods- the player was promplty eliminated from consideration. The point being is that- for me- modification would be mandatory as i certainly did not enjoy the stock sound.

I just sold my wadia 861 CD player. The unit without a doubt is harsh and unstable sounding. especially on transiets...I tried different interconnects but no luck.. I lived with mine for 5 months in my recording studio , I could not figure out what was harsh until I got rid of the wadia. As far as running direct to the amplifier. This is a Joke. The output drivers in the Wadia certianly do not do a good job of driving the input of a good amplifier. You can really hear it in the lower midrange. All of these conclusions were done in my world class recording. studio with FM amplifiers and FM 266 preamp.
As a rule the direct route will give the most life and detail. I am surprised micb's experience took away midrange. I heard a comparison of a Wadia direct versus thru a Lamm preamp at a group meeting and agreed that the sound was less brilliant and the general preference was to go direct. It is easy to see however that if you wanted less on top that an active pre may suit your taste. I have not heard the Levinson so no opinion concerning the comparison.