Wadia 860, Levinson & Aero Cap Direct into Amp

Has anyone compared any combination of these three players running direct into the power amp? Or even the Accuphase or Resolution Audio 21? If so what did you hear? I am looking for a natural and musical sound, that is not forward or bright. Details, dynamics and a wide soundstage are also characteristics that I am interested in, etc.

Thanks and Happy Listening.
It's interesting to note that after I suggested that his system is more resolving than yours, your only reply to that is to quote speaker specifications.
I was talking about an entire system's ability to play music. If you still have a mass market mentality that dictates speakers are the most important thing in your system, then you have a lot of learning to do. Therefore it would be best not to make insulting comments toward people who think that their CD player sounds better than yours, by saying, "he needs a hearing exam" !
golden_ears you own a Capitol 2? I believe you must all your posts are always about defending it. so what's the deal? what is your current system?
Finally broke in my Sony XA9000es Player and I find it to be world class for CD playback and same for SACD playback thru ARC tube gear and WWatt/Puppy system 6 speakers. Note-the more you read reviews (and purchase said gear) you come to realize that they are worth very little...one must trust their own systems and no one elses!!