Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?

Hi , I live in an area where its difficult to demo the really high end digital gear. Honestly I dont mind paying a high price for CDP Playback , but w/o a demo , Im wondering if its worth it. Let me define worth it if I may. Will a top of the Line Wadia for example sound clearly better than say a Rega , or a Sony ES. Im not expecting it to trounce it, Im just asking if you have the bucks , is the improvement clearly audible ? Im looking for warm ,detailed involving sound, my speakers are Electrostats, Amp top of the Line Sunfire. Appreciate your thoughts .
Good point Newbee, let me substitute the word musical instead of warm. I dont want a player that is so "analytical" that its not enjoyable. It does get confusing though w/o a demo as I have read several reviews of certain $2000-3000.00 players comparing favorably to a $7000.00 player. I dont want to name names because I dont want to flame. Two players though that Ive heard very good reports on were the Top Wadia and Sim Audio. Keep your thoughts coming, pro and con. If a $2000-$3000.00 player gets me 99% there I would go with that, but if their really is , and its hard to quantify in numbers , but say a 10 percent improvement I would rather spend the extra 2 or 3 K to have the best . So far very enlightening , Thanks !
Transporter, I settled on a BAT VK5 some time ago and it has served me well - it is detailed, fairly neutral, smooth, and gives you a hugh soundstage w/out being bright. You can change its tone slightly by rolling tubes. If I had to settle for a SS unit, unheard, based on what I have read and my priorities, I'd probably take a chance on the Electrocompaniet - it has an excellent transport as well as DAC and you can get them slightly used for 3000 to 3500. I think that the higher priced CDP's could be worth the price if, and only if, you have the ancillary equipment and room which will allow you to hear the subtle differences involved.
In this case believe it or not, the more you pay for CD-player the more price you overpay. A descent $500-ish or even lower priced player can be modified with better parts so it will sound to the level of much higher-priced units.

You can consult Chris at partsconnexion.com who can guide you through the mods or perform the modifications at his lab. The wonderful thing I like about Chris that he's always available from e-mail and phone at almost any time.
Well I'm on my Nth CDP now. It all started innocently enough with a Yamaha, then a Denon (and a whole new system), then a Meridian 500 Transport (and another whole new system), then a Meridian 588, then a Cary 306/200, now a Wadia 861se.

Along the way I listened to a lot of CD players and transport/DACs etc. Several combo's were significantly better than the Wadia 861se, BUT they all cost as much as a nice Mercedes. For under $10K, Wadia 861se is king of the hill, period. Followed by the SimAudio CDP.

But you'll have to answers some questions for yourself. Is the Wadia861se worth that much more than a Rega or a Cary, or the Sim, to you personally (it was a no brainer for me). The other question then becomes, does your existing rig have enough resolution and refinement to reveal the sonic advantages of the Wadia?

As far as the direct question about a comparison against the Rega and Sony. Well it's not even a fair comparison, the Wadia costs so much more, and trounces them so defineatively.
Mefge03 is correct, about the Wadia 861 SE. But like I already said the 861 basic is a great player and is not the digital sounding Wadia that some think about other Wadia CDPs.

Happy Listening.