Waltz for Debby-Bill Evans Trio

Seems like lately I am slidding this CD in late at night more and more. It has become one of my favorites. You can close your eyes and almost smell the smoke of a jazz club from the 50s and 60s. The waiters clanking glasses in the background is a nice touch to the mood. The music is great. I know this is a revered classic but I was wondering if there were any other recordings of similar ilk, smooth laid back jazz, that anyone might recommend. Are you out there sdcampbell?
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I assume you are familar with Evan's other recordings made at the Village Vanguard about the same time. If you like late night, laid back, jazz by a sax based trio it's hard to beat Houston Person's most recent recordings on Blue Note, a studio recording. You might also check out Andre Previns recordings with Telarc which were recorded live. No tinkling glasses, but great dinner jazz.
Thanks Newbee,

No, I have not heard the Evans' recordings you refer to but I will check them out as well as your other suggestions. I'm not necessarily looking for "live" really, just that type sound.