Was your first cartridge relatively expensive?

I'm thinking seriously about buying my first analog rig. I've never set up a turntable system before and obviously my biggest fear is breaking/damaging the cartridge.

So I've got some questions for you guys. Was your first cartridge relatively expensive? In hindsight would you have bought a cheaper one to "learn" with? Would you recommend a newbie who is sure he likes the sound of vinyl and will stick to it, to start with the best cartridge he can afford?
Howie, I strongly agree with Raul about getting a dealer to mount the cartridge and set up your table. Kids (and newbies), don't try this it home. Sure you can get your table to make sound, but you want it to sound its best. It really takes considerable experience to do this properly. Many here have that experience, probably many more of us think we do but in reality don’t .
Thanks for the comments guys, I hope this thread will help other newbies as well.

I do not plan to buy locally as I do not like the dealer that sell the vinyl products I'm interested in. He'll rip me off enough to buy quite a few cartridges to play around with.

I do plan to spending time learning about things. I'm an avid reader of message boards. :D
It's a bit disheartening to know that a cartridge needs to be replaced about 1500 hours or so. Especially considering the fact that it takes about couple hundred hours of breakin.

So most of you didn't break your first cartridge or damage it because of your newbiness?
My experience with cartridges is very different. I find that I typically use a cartridge for 4 or more years before replacing, and that's listening almost every day. So, that's 3,500 - 4,500 hours for me. I've been doing this for 30 years, and my experience has been pretty consistent over that time. My current cartridge probably has 2,000 hours on it and I can't tell any degradation so far.
Yes! but so was my foray into analog, I bought an inexpensive setup with a cartridge already installed the MMF-5 from Music Hall. I find it to be quite satisfying, for my needs. I also bought an inexpensive but fabulous sounding phono stage. A Redgum from Australia with surprisingly good results. (One of our Audiogon dealers Quest for Sound carries them) But if your really going to make a serious investment of money and time and all the other commitments that serious analog carries, I would listen to Rushton. I have heard his setup several times and can attest that it is undoubtedly amongst the finest you can get. He knows from what he speaks.
My take.
1.) Do I have enough LPs to appreciate analog setup?
2.) Do I have adequate enviroment to have TT setup?
3.) Am I willing to settle for best quality or better than cheap CD quality?
4.) Am I willing to spend time to change LP vs remote control from CD player?
5.) Am I careful enough not to damage the needle?
6.) Do I have time to setup the TT properly? Do I have to for adjustments every few weeks?
7.) Are the LPs original recording or digital re-mastered?
8.) What LP setup have you heard?
9.) What music you listen?
10.) MC or MM?
11.) What's your budget? How would you go about spending it for cartridge, tonearm, TT, phono preamp, step up device?

Ahhhh, you make it sound like the end of the world bro! It is not as difficult as that. Besides, the rewards are great! As for remote control, is that really an issue? Or laziness? What? Tell me.

6.) Do I have time to setup the TT properly? Do I have to for adjustments every few weeks?

Mmmm, if you have a TT set up and do exactly this at that frequency, all I can say is that I am sorry. Something is really off from your rig.

1.) Do I have enough LPs to appreciate analog setup?
2.) Do I have adequate enviroment to have TT setup?
3.) Am I willing to settle for best quality or better than cheap CD quality?
As for #1, there's a place called Records Store. On line or off line. Take your pick.
As for#2 What is an "adequate" environment to set up a TT? Away from railroad tracks, bus station, earthquake prone areas, boats, moving vehicles, land mines, pedestrian crossings, etc? Bro, this is a matter of common sense isn't it?
As for #3, All I can say is that different strokes for different folks.

I was told by my dealer and others that the list of importance goes. 1.cartridge 2.phono stage 3.arm 4.table

Errrr....not true! If you have a bad table, no matter how much you spend on cartridge and arm, you will not get your money's worth. Why not? Because the ability of the table to provide an accurate speed, immunity to external vibration, and at least some protection from airborne EMI(please insert phono stage here!)and power source interference will play a very big part on how your LP will sound. Ever wonder why most LP lovers prefer DC motors than AC? Or better yet, battery powered?

Please, do your research! You will find that if you correspond to people that really knows analog (Raul who posted above is one!) it is table first. Because the arm and the cartridge can easily be upgraded when the time permits to match and compliment your table of choice.

The bottom line is, do not get sidetrack from negative inputs here. As I said, it is not as hard or complicated to enjoy vinyl. It just depends on how you want to attack setting up your rig from your budget stand point.
