Well Tempered Amadeus Options

Hi Guys, As I'm avid WTL Classic fan and have owned over three different versions since '93 ending with a Classic MK V version last year. But after having a chance to hear the Amadeus at Don Better Audio in Cleveland Ohio this past November I've come to the realization that had I heard this table in Feburary of said year I know what would be residing on my stand right now. But my question is ask I only intend to do this one time.............., I'm in the position to get either the standard white ball version or the more upscale GTA version with the alumium plinth and black golf ball attachment that cost $3.700 here in the States where the basic one goes for $2.850!, as I've been following the trends here regarding this table in general I'm merely wondering which route have you guys taken?, and if there is in fact a better sound being rendered by the more costly unit?, or is it purely based upon overall appearance and little if anything to do with better Fidelity?. I merely wish to go this route one time and be done with it, so your opinions with more then likely be weighed quite heavily I might add. So fellow WTL owners please share your tales and tell me what's what!. Regards, Oscar
I have the standard Amadeus, but unfortunately do not have the answer to your question. I did inquire about the same thing, but frankly could not get much info on the subject.
That said, now I don't look back, because it has indeed lived up to my expectations.
I have the GTA but also spent some time with the Amadeus (white ball) . My impression is that there is a bit more air and extension with the more expensive table but the two are very similar, very closely comparable. There is no dramatic upgrade in musical value with the more expensive table. The musical value is there at the heart of both of them.
Hi Fjn04 and Tobias, I'd like to thank you both for sharing your Insight on this topic, as it does allow me a means of narrowing down which would be a better investment in the long run. It appears that it's merely about cosmetics more then anything from what I've read so far. Be well guys and Happy Holidays to both of you and your families. Regards, Oscar