Well Tempered Amadeus Options

Hi Guys, As I'm avid WTL Classic fan and have owned over three different versions since '93 ending with a Classic MK V version last year. But after having a chance to hear the Amadeus at Don Better Audio in Cleveland Ohio this past November I've come to the realization that had I heard this table in Feburary of said year I know what would be residing on my stand right now. But my question is ask I only intend to do this one time.............., I'm in the position to get either the standard white ball version or the more upscale GTA version with the alumium plinth and black golf ball attachment that cost $3.700 here in the States where the basic one goes for $2.850!, as I've been following the trends here regarding this table in general I'm merely wondering which route have you guys taken?, and if there is in fact a better sound being rendered by the more costly unit?, or is it purely based upon overall appearance and little if anything to do with better Fidelity?. I merely wish to go this route one time and be done with it, so your opinions with more then likely be weighed quite heavily I might add. So fellow WTL owners please share your tales and tell me what's what!. Regards, Oscar
Hi roscoeiii and Chashas1, I shall report my findings on both the cartridges and the DPS, Chashas1, after talking to Mike at DynavectorUSA about an hour ago on the phone...................., I'm going after the GTA!, it just mades more since in the long run considering just how long I've been investing in this line, and sonce I've mentioned this is my last go round - I'd have thinking about if I made the wrong decision by going with the cheaper one!, now it's just a matter of getting through the Holidays with the family and only then treating myself with a shiny new toy or two in January!. Either way my table quest is over - next stage a nice James Burgess Audio customized 300B SET Integrated Amp to put in front of my DeVore Gibbon 3's as I'm also aware that John used an Audio Note 300B based amp while voicing his speakers and it only makes sense to hear them as they were intended to be heard and only then will I know the Truth. And for those of you following this - the Gibbon 3XL's are a joke either. Peace Beyond To You All, Oscar
Congratulations El34eh, you will love the GTA. I doubt you will glance in the rear view mirror. Regardless if it's 5 or 10 percent better, it is a great table. Another cartridge that may be worth future consideration is the Ortofon Royal N. I think the Royal, along with the Tsd-15 and XX-2 would all be worth exploring.
Hi Fjn04, Thanks for your endorsement, and I'll take it upon myself to research the Ortofon Royal N. as you've mentioned. No matter what?, this is my last go round at this and I'd rather be done with it and get back to what I enjoy the most about this hobby - chasing down those rare and long forgotten treasures called Black Gold ( Vinyl ), the hunt is what keeps me focused................, just finding that one extra Blue Note DG Mono or Prestige DG Mono or Columbia 6-eye Mono in Mint/NM condition is what it's all about for me - THE MUSIC. Take care all of you and thanks for your assistance with this, I got it from here. Regards,Oscar
Fjn04, I've just got finished researching that Ortofon SPU Royal N, great call I think it looks very interesting to say the least. I for one know that many overseas WTL Table uses love this line as well and that many tend to overlook older brands based on what the newer designs bring - but looking very carefully at what I've seen the trend seems to be going full circle to many of the cartridge designs that were renowned for Musicality in those Golden Days where analogue was the only game in town - look at what's happening with the Shindo 301 - it's tonearm and its cartridge as well the return to the use of EMT cartridges on this size of the pond. To my mind many of the MC cartridges that have been produced since the introduction of CD's are more tailored to mimic their resolution at the overall expense of musicality - in other words away from texture - warmth and tonality towards Hi-Rez. Thanks for the tip................, it certainly makes my short list of ones to try out. Very very very good catch once again. Regards, Oscar
OK, so after reading the comments above I decided to add the upgraded power supply. At first I didn't hear any difference, but when started doing "A-B" comparisons, I did hear a reduction in motor noise....I don't know how or why this would happen. The funny thing is I never noticed any motor noise previously until I did the "before and after" test. I did have to adjust my platter speed when I added the power supply. Final note: The supplied 12V cable from the PS to the TT isn't the longest, and the power supply box is fairly large. Unless your TT is on a good-sized platform, you may have a longer run than the cable will permit...I suppose you can scrounge up a different cable, but that was my only issue with the PS.