What are some excellent mid -priced tuners?

I have a MC162 with a C15 pre-amp. Not sure if I want to stay with Mcintosh (MR85) or go with something else. 800. 1400 dollar range.
i second the mac 67. at your price range i do not think you can do better. marantz 10b if you can find one at that price level. i have heard the md and fanfare. a little thin to my tastes. sounds like radio. imo.

good listening

I know what you mean- I hate when a tuner sounds like radio, or when a CD player sounds like CD, or a Reel to Reel sounds like tape or especially when a turntable sounds like vinyl. Sorry for the sarcasm- I guess I just don't understand your comment. What should a tuner sound like if not Radio? What does the Mac 67 Tuner sound like?
I understand what Jvr means when he says some tuners sound like a radio - they are thin sounding as if you were listening to a jambox or old transistor radio - a good tuner will be full bodied in its presentation of the music just like listening to a CD player of high quality. I have a hard time liking a good many tuners for this very reason.
You don't have to pay 1600 for that MD100.. You can find them here on the gon for around 1100-1200 or an Etude for around 700-900. The MD100 has exactly the same specs as the Etude model. I did an A/B with a 2001 Etude model and the MD100 and couldn't distinguish any differences.
My vote is for a Vintage Sansui TU-517 or Tu-717.. i have the TU-517 and it has such sweet smooth warm sound. Pulls in Plenty of stations and is very high quality. the Sansui's are analog stereo tuners and can be found on ebay for around $200 or so.