What are the sonic DISADVANTAGES of the 840c?

Hello again,
I have been reading, with interest, all the rave reviews of the Cambridge Azur 840c cd players sonics online, and on various forums.
To those who have owned and then sold the 840c, or have listened to it, and did not care awhole lot for its sonics:
What are the sonic DISADVANTAGES of the 840c in comparison to higher priced and better built units?
In what ways is it not in the same league with the "big dogs"?
I am not trying to start an argument, I am just curious, so don't take this thread in the wrong way.
Thanks for your answers.
I agree with Daltonlanny on many points. I have put about 250 hours on an 840c. I did some very serious listening thru a few different systems and there were consistent short comings. None that serious but they are worth mentioning. In comparing the 840c to the Rega Saturn and Ayre CX7 I thought it was lacking in these areas>>

-Blackness between notes and in overall sound stage.

-The instruments and voices seemed to run into each other to some extent. Imaging was not as defined as either of the other players.

-There was more of a hi-fi quality to the overall sound. Although interesting to listen to, it wasn't as natural sounding as either the Rega or the Ayre.

-I found overall I wasn't drawn into the music as much as with the other players. With the 840c, I kept getting pulled into the sound of the cd player, not the music.

I could certainly live with the 840c. It has some great features and it is an outstanding value but there are other players out there in the 5K and below price range that I believe are better.
I use an 840C in my second system and in general i'd say this player plays way outside its weight class.

Its not perfect but then no player is. Moreover, personal sound preferences, rather then outright player quality, are more likely to determine whether you like this player or not.

For example, if you are a Naim or Rega fan - you might struggle a little with the 840C. The 840C is not particularly warm or rounded in signature. Further, the 840C does not have the depth of soundstage i've heard on good valve players.

Some have commented that imaging is a bit vague. This and 'blackness between notes' are radically improved by changing the players feet (or using quality isolation under the player - like Nordost Pulsar points) and using the balanced, rather than the unbalanced outputs.

If resolution is your thing there is nothing that i've heard at even double the 840C's price point that can hold a candle to it.
kiwi - i absolutely 100% agree with you about the resolution - your right it can be to die from - if your not so attached to its imaging, soundstage, etc. well put and very precise - especially your other post about the cambridge player elsewhere in this forum
