What are the weakest components in my system?

I have a very basic system but want to know where I can improve for the least amount of money:
Thorens Td 145
Nagaoka Mp11 cart
McClelland MQ-S35 Phono Preamp
Harman-Kardon AVR146
JPW-AP3 loudspeakers

I know that this is a very basic system, but would it sound much better with a better phono stage or cartridge?

I asked a similar question a number of months ago. While my question was about gear, a couple of the responses suggested that I focus on room acoustics/room treatment. It was great advice.

I knew my room had a little too much echo (e.g., could hear some echo when clap hands). After doing some research, I ended up buy some GIK Acoustics 244 broad band absorption panels. These made an incredible difference, not only in the bass, but smoothed out the entire frequency spectrum. I was able to hear notes that I could not hear before, voices were more focused, and little anomolies that I thought were on the recording were in fact due to my room acoustics. I had previously borrowed a $1,500 REL subwoofer (which was great) from a friend, and the approximately $400 I spent on five of the 244s (I have a large room) made a much bigger difference than this very nice subwoofer.

I have no idea what your room is like or how big it is, but based on my research and experience, I think the experts generally agree that any room can benefit from some type of broad band absorption (as long as there is not too much to make the room "dead") and/or bass trapping. You can find more information about room acoustics on websites such as GIK Acoustics, RealTraps, Decware, and many others. Also, a number of discussion boards (e.g., Audioholics, Audio Circle, and Audio Asylum) have boards dedicated to room acoustic info.

I just thought I would pass along some of the best advice that has been given to me on this forum.
Thanks for all the great feedback. I am running all components through a Monster Power Center HTS 1000: http://www.monstercable.com/productdisplay.asp?pin=4445

I do also use the HK in a 5.1 home theatre setup. So, I have thought about finding a vintage 2 channel amp with phono stage just for music.

Some of my vinyl sounds very nice, but I find some of the high end frequencies get harsh and tinny when I push the volume up. Is that the HK's power limitations or is it the cart and phono stage? I have considered the Audio-Technica AT-PEQ3 ATPEQ3 phono preamp, but not sure that is going to solve the problem.

Thanks again for all the comments.
A chain is no stronger than it's weakest link. If you are a real music lover, and you have the available means; I suggest you make a comprehensive plan to start all over, however, the amp is the heart of the system.
I also agree that probably your HK is one serious weak link in your system but I am also surprised that no-one has mentioned the speakers. Despite what Orpheus 10 said about the amp being the center of your system the speakers are the heart of your music. You do need a balance between source components and speakers but I have seen time and time again systems where a simple change of the speakers made a huge difference in the sound and the enjoyment of music.

For now disregard any advice regarding cables and dedicated electrical outlets. These things should be looked at after the overall sound of your system is satisfying to you.
The worlds best speakers will give you "Crappy" sound if you have crappy electronics; however, you can get boss sound with decent speakers and boss electronics. It should be possible for you to audition electronics before you commit, that way you can tell how much improvement you get from an upgrade.