What are you doing with your tax return?

Let's have fun filling up this thread with even dream spendings:
Answer in two parts the first one will neglect WAF and the second one with WAF presence.
The WAF has been replaced in my house by the BNF factor (Baby Needs Food). I just finsished replacing a majority of my system and want only for a new digital front end right now. If the return is big enough I'll get a tricked out MSB Link III ,replace some of my cables and be done for quite a while.

The rebate? I think we bought a new window for the baby's room with that.
I already spent my $600.. on a used Rega Planet.. it's great! 1st CD player I ever owned.. (I'm a die hard rega ANALOG fan)
The IRS ended up with the loot until this year.I would have to correct the situation early next year.As for the 300.00 advance i owed the HI-FI place the loot for a pair of WHITE mono-blocks.By the way they sound great.As for next years refund if I do get something,it will be another Conrad Johnson amp to bi-amp again.Or another ROLEX.Cheers.
Refund: Maybe a down payment on a set of vibrapods.-- WAF?? Them lil' suckers come in colors??
Self employed. No Refunds. They kept my $300.00 check for back taxes.

No Wife. They cost to much.