What are your favorite phono cartridges?

Just curious, what are your favorite cartridges that you now use, or have used in the past? Do you prefer moving coil or moving magnet, or some other design? Here lately I have been collecting older moving coils and have been nicely surprised! My favorite right now is the GAS Sleeping Beauty and the Shelter 501 II.
I've gone from a Dynavector 10X5 to an XX-2 and just acquired an XV-1S. Needless to say, I'm partial to Dynavector and am thrilled with the XV-1S.

There are many great cartridges out there. I've heard a fraction. Based upon what I've read and the ones I've heard, I put my money on Dyna and have been more than satisfied.
I currently use a Benz Glider, and a Dynavector 17D3
I started on Sure and used those for many years.
I had two Shure V15Vmrs i sold.
The Clearaudio Insider Reference Wood.
In almost 50 years of analogue & the hundred or so cartridges I have owned - This is the very best cartridge I have ever heard.