What cd player or cd transport/dac is next for me?

I have a ML 335, ML 380S, Dunlavy SCIV's, Harmonic Tech Magic Ones biwired and Stealth Gold interconnects currently with Sony SCD-1. I had a Resolution Audio CD55 for about a year. I found that the redbook play of the Sony and CD55 were comparable with different strengths, but similar enough that I characterize them as of the same class/level.

I wish to make a significant shift in cd play. First, is it necessary in your opinion to go to the top of the heap to get dramatic improvements? Is used equipment available in your opinion that will yield those results at used prices?

I have heard the ML 39, EMC-1 ML 30.5 & 31.6 in similar systems to mine. Are the new generation of mid-level cd units dramatically improved over the prior generation? (Ml 39/ML 39S, EMC-1 upgrade)

I look forward to useful ideas for improvement. All other thoughts I suspect will be appreciated also!

Bill E.
I had SC IVs but powered by Krell. I own a Levinson 32 and had the 360S. If you like laid back, 360S is it. I'm a huge fan of pace, timing and musicality that allows you to quit thinking about soundstage/imaging/treble zing/transients etc. Whatever sounds compellingly real. For me, I ended up unexpectedly with a Naim CDS2; it's different than any CD setup I've had (had SCD1, Wadia, SF,Goldmund etc.). I would think the Levinson gear you have is lush for SS, with a humongous soundstage etc. and you'd maybe get too much of a good thing with more Levinson. I'd try any Naim CD player, a Goldmund (also dynamic and driving) and any CD player people recommend as being musical above all (maybe Audio Aero?). It can be about sound and gear but it's better when it's about music. I spend my dough on XRCDs (esp the Yamamoto Trio Three Blind Mice and DCC Gold remasters). BTW, my Naim/Lev/Rowland setup sounds darn good. My Tact setup gets damn close. Kharma and Piega speakers. PS. Build out your music collection if you haven't. I always find it peculiar to visit someone who has 10 LPs or 30 CDs and great gear. I'd go nuts too if I listened to: Jacintha/Jennifer Warnes/Thin Red Line/Diana Krall over and over and over. So, try the Capitole, the EMC, the Naim, anything in the 2-3K used range. They're different than Levinson/Krell/Wadia/DCS.
Fatparrot: How does the MKII compare with the MKI? Specifically, how much improvement and in what ways? I found that the MKI was too bright in the mids for me.

Jtinn: I've never heard of or heard the Audiomeca units and will look for a dealer here in NY.

Classicjazz: Thanks for the heads-up on Naim and Goldmung. I have about 700 cds, mostly classical, but listen constantly including Blues, vocals and jazz. I rarely listen to the same piece twice in a week, and I listen about 12 hours a day.


Bill E.
Classicjazz/Jtinn: How different is the one box setup from separate DAC/transports?

Bill E.
I agree with jtinn,i just bought the audiomeca mephisto transport.
it is fantastic and is selling on audiogon now for a pretty cheap price.the audiomeca is much better than the levinson 37 that it replaced.
I have Dunlavy V speakers with Aloia pre-amp and 2 Plinius SA-100 III amps. I use an Audiomeca Mephisto II transport and a Dodson Audio Dac (DA-217 MK IID). The soundstage is very three diminsional. To my ears much better than Levinson.