What did you replace your Aerial 10T's with?

I've had my 10T's for 9 years, and still think they are pretty great, but am getting the upgrade bug. What I like best about them is that they play loud without strain, have strong low bass, and great dynamics. I'm a drummer - can you tell? However, my wife is a singer, so sweet mids for vocals is also important, and here I think the 10T's are good but not great. So, to the ex-10T owners out there, what did you upgrade to, and how do you you like what you chose? I'm thinking Wilson Sophia's might have the same attributes I like now, just more so, but am still looking for suggestions in that price range.
they are actually the equal of the sophia. maybe its placement, the room, or the other components. still one of the best allrounders ever.
I replaced mine with the Eros by Innersound. I liked the 10T's, but missed dipoles. I kept the Eros for about 5-6 years but was never in love with them. I recently got rid of them to buy a used pair if Infinity RS-1b's, which I love. It's been a circle, because I sold my original pair of RS1b's and replaced them with the 10t's!!.
My original pair of RS-1b's had constant driver failures, but the used pair I got does not have that problem. Perhaps because I am running tubes on top now.
I know I have not been much help to you. Sorry. Hey check out Bob Carver's new speakers-got a great review in AS.

Electrocompaniet EMC-1 CD Player (old version, not EMC-1UP)
ARC LS-26 preamp
Krell 400cx power amp
Blue Heaven interconnects and speaker cables

The obvious culprit is the room, though pretty to look at with a big cathedral ceiling, is a nightmare as an accoustic environment, but it's the living room, so what can you do?

I may have misspoken a bit - everything sounds pretty darn good (especially with the recent additon of the ARC LS-26!). I was just wondering what might make it better. Next best improvement for me might just be digital room correction!

Still, I am curious about what 10T owners that have changed to something else found that they thought was an upgrade to the 10T.
Jaybo, that's a very interesting claim. They do seem to share common strengths. Have you been able to do a detailed comparison?
Going to a tube amp would solve the mid issues, but probably would not do drums quite so well as the Krell.