What did you replace your DQ-10's with?

What did you replace your DQ-10's with and what do you currently have?

Just looking for ideas.
Martin Logan Aeons. I had always wanted to live with a pair of electrostatics and they are very enjoyable. When I bought my DQ-10's I couldn't afford electrostatics. The sound is very open and imaging is first rate. There are so many choices it really depends on what you want.

Just FYI, there is an outfit in NY (Regnar) composed of old Dahlquist employees who rebuilds DQ-10's. I considered it but decided to go with the Logans.
Any more info on "Regnar"? Imin2u, good luck with the replacement/upgrade which I would think won't be easy. Maybe you should just have them restored?

Some of my best budding audiophile memories were hearing DQ-10's with Apt Holman preamp, Quatre Gain Cell power amp, a Thorens turntable with the Infinity Black widow arm and a Denon 103 moving coil cartridge, circa 1979. Later, I worked for a Dalhquist dealer after school and in the Summers.

For similarly open midrange and imaging, there is a recent thread on Apogee Stage speakers that you might want to check out.

Maggies, and ML's, IMO, are a different kettle of fish.
A store-demo pair of Quad-63's. It was the first time I had ever heard them and couldn't pull away. I wasn't even looking for different speakers and went home with them. Then - tube amps! Different TT and arm and you know the rest of the story.

Vandersteen 2c's then Merlin 4 b's and now Merlin Excaliburs and have not looked back.