What do people place on their platter for dust protection

Just wanted to hit everyone up for some responses. I'm tired of worrying about taking my pristine VM cleaned vinyl on a platter thats been idle for a week. I have a TT in which a dustcover woukd be inpractable. I hadnt googled for it yet. I just wanted to ask here. Plus I'm recovering from surgery and have some extra time.
Use a microfiber cloth for a quick cleaning before playing an album 

good listening

One of those speedmats.  Carbon fiber I think.  Works well as a dust protector.  
Whatever happened to air purifiers? However many it takes. There’s no reason to have dust in the room to begin with. 
I use a Michell Engineering GyroDec (full plinth version, not the SE) and always keep the lid closed when not in use or playing an LP. I have no problems with dust accumulation on the platter. I just dust the lid about once a month.