What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.

Well, you got your wish, dude. Another thread with "horn" in the title that was going ok. Then you couldn't resist taking a shot. And here we are. Once again. Ending on the same, old, tired theme of yours. -03-30-11: Dan_ed

You must be looking in the mirror and talking to your self again dude!

Check yourself ...... !!!!
Weseaxas ... My response was in regard to friends that seem to love horns . I enjoy the Revels more than any other speaker that I have heard , but only horns have the uncompressed sound that many want and are willing to make sacrifices in other areas to get .
I am looking for a pair of horns for are house at the lake , I felt horns would give us a different prospective on music . Regards Tim
Weseixas, I think that Classic Audio Loudspeakers will be showing at Axpona. Its a new show, at a new location, so unlike THE Show or RMAF, everyone will be at square 1 trying to figure out how to make the rooms work properly. So you will want to keep that in mind regardless of the room you check out.

If he has the T-1 there, the midrange horn runs from 250 Hz to about 10KHz. It has a beryllium diaphragm and so lacks breakups in the audio passband. Plus the magnet is a field coil. Field coils behave much the same way that ESLs do- those are the only technologies wherein the field does not sag when the amplifier makes power to move the diaphragm. So it is very fast and transparent!
I thought this thread was to help Renmeister? Weseixas can start his own thread.
" but only horns have the uncompressed sound that many want and are willing to make sacrifices in other areas to get . "

Genelec and ATC replaced horn (Altec604, Westlake, etc) main monitors in high-end recording studios starting in the mid 80's. Main monitors are used to impress the clients (rock stars like Police, INXS, Peter Gabriel,Pink Floyd etc etc. would hear themselves on these designs and modern rock stars still do so today)

So while as a generality it is true that nothing sounds dynamic like horns, you can find dynamic uncompressed sound that is on par with horns in a few select cases. Studio managers did not take a step backward when they replaced older horns - in fact the newer designs performed at similar SPL and dynamics with better integration of bass and without the inherent distortion that you get from horns at elevated levels (non-linear compression drive effects).