What happens when?

What happens when you run a MC phono cartridge into a MM phono input on a pre?
The real question is what happens when you use a highout put MM with a phono stage set up for real low output MCs. I guess you sit there with a catchers mitt grabbing pieces of speaker cones and motors or leave the attenuator on max defeat, and listen for cross talk, selecting your tuner source even if you don't own a tuner.
Nsgarch thanks for the good news on the matching of components....... if the phono section sounds better in the Mcintosh I'll save on shelf space too.
If you do get the C41 and your phono sounds good (loud enough with the preamp's volume control around 12 o'clock) you might still find the sound a little hard or glarey, with insufficient bass. If you do, it means the default 47Kohm input load of the Mac's phono section is too high for the EVO and needs to be reduced by adding parallel resistors to the phonostage inputs. A good rule of thumb for the right value resistor (first try anyway) is 25 times the coil resistance of the cartridge. I tried to find the spec for your cart on www.cartridgedb.com but they don't show it. Maybe it's on the spec sheet that came with your cartridge.