What interconnects are you guys using for bi-wiring speakers? I need a Y XLR based cable.

I'm using 802 D3s and krell amps.  I want to use two amp channels per speaker.  Just wanted to know what you guys were using for this and where to get a good cable that sounds good.

Thanks in advance.

If you're using two amplifier channels per speaker, that's biamplifying, not biwiring. If that's your plan, you should consider using an active crossover. That's the way to get the most out of biamping.

Thanks for the question.  I am using a marrantz 8802a.  I assume it has the ability to push enough voltage? 

I did some more thinking on this thread.

@eniac26 - wow, I have never seen a normal 2-channel preamp that has more than one "active" XLR output.  That Classe CP-800 is pretty unique in this sense!

@mgould - Looking at your Marantz 8802A, it actually appears that there is a configuration that allows you to use two outputs for a bi-amp situation.  If you go to pages 233 and 237 of the 8802A manual, you can see that you can change the Amp Assign Mode to "9.1ch (Bi-Amp)".  It will allow to you select one of three different channels to use as the "bi-amp" channel (either "Front Wide", "Height1" or "Surround Back").
