What is best for the speakers JBL Everest 6600? Mark Levinson 53 or Boulder 2060?

Hi friends! I have speakers JBL Everest 6600. I use  with tham  integrated amplifier Mark Levinson number 585. I want to buy the best amplifier. I stopped   Mark Levinson 53 or Boulder 2060 second hand. I want to know your opinion. I heard the sound of Mark Levinson 53 whith JBL Everest 6600,   but never heard whith Boulder. It is interesting to know your opinion. Best wishes. Vladimir.
Hi Vladimir,
   Just reading your post and reply's.  I'd like to ask.  Are you looking for any recommendations or do you have access to these 2 amplifiers used and you only are trying to figure out which would be better for Your JBL's? 
I have access to these amplifiers. I want to choose from Levinson and Boulder. Boulder Class A and maybe it sounds better? As I use the preamp 502 Mark Levinson.
I have the Boulder 2060.  After I purchased it, I stopped looking around. 

Although I do not have your speakers - I have preferred the 2060 over a couple other super amps in my system, which I was lucky enough to own all 3 at once. 

Cary 211FE monoblocks
Classe CAM600 monoblocks