what is everybody listening to right now

I wasn't really sure where to post this so here goes. What cds ( as I do not currently listen to vinyl ) are people spinning in their ssytems. (heavy rotation) Currently I have been Chris Cornells (one l or two I can't remember) solo recording "euphoric morning"
Los Super Seven, Gillian Welch's 'Revival,' Habib Kiote, Lyle Lovett's 'Joshua Judges Ruth,' the Mavericks 'Super Collosal Smash Hits of the Nineties,' Janis Ian 'Breaking Silence'
agree with subaruguru re:p simon's latest. it's on my playlist, too. along with the latest from rickie lee jones & willie nelson (milk cow blues). also been playing the super tribute album to bill monroe, called "big mon." fabulous sound and performances,
Jacqueline DuPre Dvorak Cello Concerto on EMI. Just discovering her. Highly recommended.
As to the Chris Cornell solo recording cited by "Emily," I seem to recall reading somewhere that he was exploring/taking particular pains in an effort to produce a recording of exceptional sound quality. I haven't heard "Euphoric Morning," but I am curious as to whether there is anything special going on there---production-wise. I like rock and in my younger days that was pretty much all that I listened to. But rarely do I come across any new material that is truly well-produced, i.e., that sounds really good when played back on a quality sound system. Currently in heavy rotation are: Al DiMeola - "Orange and Blue," & "Kiss My Axe" (somewhat oldies but exceptional goodies). Elianne Elias - "Plays Jobim" & "Everything I Love," McCoy Tyner "with Stanley Clarke and Al Foster" - this Telarc DSD CD release is the absolute tops in production quality among all my recent acquisitions. Gives you that you-are-there/musicians are in-your room kind of experience. Lyle Mays - "Solo Improvisations for Expanded Piano."