What is the best pre-amp for ARC Ref 75SE amp?

Thinking to buy a Ref 5se pre-amp to go with a Ref 75se amp.  Has anyone found a better pre-amp for this use?
Works fabulously with my Music First Baby Ref v2. I think you’d need the $30k Ref 10 to beat it.

I have heard the REf5SE and the Ref 75se combo and it is a very nice match. The rest of that system was Wilson Sasha/Sophia speakers, ARC CD9 , Transparent cables/cords all around.

Happy Listening!
I had the REF75 in my system for a week or so when my Ayre VX-R was being upgraded. REF5se is a fine match. Speakers Vandersteen 7
front End Analog and digital
IF you want another option an Ayre KX-R also pairs nicely with your amp.....
Thanks Al I am not an owner nor was I ever a dealer for Audio Research and did't realize they did not offer an RCA input on their amplifiers and I sure don't like adaptors being used on interconnects.
