What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes?

Are tubes considered hazardous waste? Do they require special handling to dispose of properly? Or are they just regular trash that can be disposed of in the garbage?

Note: I am not looking for responses of the type, "I don't know/care, I just throw them in the garbage." I have a bunch of burned out old tubes that I want to get rid of, and I want to do so in compliance with applicable requirements.
Oregon- Sometimes LOVE has to get tough! If one can't have fun- What's the point in all this? Next time a tube toasts, I'll have you in mind and donate to the cause. Do donors get pics of the creation(s)?
Yes, I will post photos as soon as I get loaded.
I mean the pics loaded onto my computer.
OK guys. For a photo of El Grego's art, go to my system and click on "El Grego Black Swan". This is one of his latest creations. It does not utilize a vacuum tube. But it's just a matter of time.
When he does, I will post a photo.
I have other photos of his sculptures. Shoot me an email if you'd like to see more.
That's a really interesting sculpting, though it's Gluteus Maximuses(Maximi?) aren't exactly anatomically correct. Artistic license and all that, I suppose. Then again- I've never met the model, so how would I know?