What is Warmth?

Would someone kindly explain the audiophile term "warmth?" Most appreciated.
Thanks for the response. I see that word bandied about quite a bit, but I think I'm not the only one with confusion about how it relates to sound.
From what you're saying it is energy in the upper bass region and perhaps equivalent to pushing the "loudness" button on some old receivers. It elevates the lower frequencies.
Best wishes.
Far be it for me to disagree with Mr. Behr but many audiophiles think of it as a less pronounced high frequency response. The so called rounded off top end. This may mean that the tonal balance then emphasizes the mid and upper bass regions. Thus we may be saying much the same thing. I do agree that blunted thick sound is undesirable but is that a question of speed?
"Far be it for me to disagree with Mr. Behr but many audiophiles think of it as a less pronounced high frequency response. The so called rounded off top end. This may mean that the tonal balance then emphasizes the mid and upper bass regions. Thus we may be saying much the same thing. I do agree that blunted thick sound is undesirable but is that a question of speed?" Mechans (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

+1 , I would add when the recorded human voice still sounds alive with the tone and timbre to retain its "warmth"

Here's all the relevant terminology by the fellow who created them in the first place:

Dear Cinellipro: IMHO is only a distortion that apeal to some people but been a distortion it is a coloration that was not when the recording microphones pick-up at the very begin of the recording.

It is a false colorations that IMHO has no sense that so many people " die for it ".

When was the last time that any one of us heard a violin concert ( live or other instruments. ) seated at 2-3 meters from the player and heard it that warmth?, because I attend to not less than 60 times a year to listen live music and till today ( in the last 25 years. ) I never heard that warmth.

IMHO music is everything but warmth, at least in the audiophile warmth meaning.

Warmth IMHO is only a synonimous of a distorted audio system.

Maybe I'm wrong but this is my take about.

Regards and enjoy the music,