What is your routine for break-in of cd player

There is not a lot of information out there about break-in
of components. Some say leave it on for 24 hours while
others say play for an hour then off for 15 min. No info
in Harley's book nor in Smith's get better sound.
My last couple of CD players arrived just before the start of week long vacations. I put them in the system, put a high energy disk on repeat, and let the system run for 7-10 days unti I returned.

My most recent player was a highly modified Oppo 980 from Rick Shultze at EVS. It sounded like a different player after breaking in for 240 hours in a row.....


I second the ayre disk routine,but i listen to music at night then put on track 4 of ayre disk.(Sim 400 hrs at least).
I played mine nonstop, alternating cd, the ayre disc and sacd's. Be prepared for mucho hours. I don't think 100hrs is close to optomized on most high end players.
I suggest turning the player off at night, while leaving it play in the daytime. Kind of 16 hours on, 8 hours off.

The thermal stress involved during the heat up and cool down cycling seems to both speed up and make for more effective break-in.