What kind of amplification for Martin Logan SL3 ?

I own Martin Logan SL3 and look for an amplifier (in the same price range) that could match with. Untill now, everything I've heard gave me the impression of missing details, sounded too cold or didn't deliver power enough to make me forget the low sensitivity of electrostatics. O_Gorcz@hotmail.com
I am running two conrad johnson sonographe sa 250's and love it - gives you 260 watts under $2500 - great sound stage
ML speakers tend to like tubes. They show up the grunge in most SS gear. Try Melos or Quicksilvers. I have had good luck with both on my SL3s.
Olivier, I use two different amps. VTL 225 mono tubes sound great. I also use the new EAD Powermaster 2000 for HT and it rivals the VTLs. I go back and forth. Tubes have a little warmer sound and the EAD has incredible power for the bottom end, but also very detailed. Jerry
I am biased as a principal in the company, but Clayton Audio's S40 and M70 monos work extremely well with the SL3s. You need current and that's what you get -- pure class A (most so-called class A amps don't do full A till their rated output. Ours do.) We have sold several amps to ML owners who have tried many, many amps without success. Our amps were developed using MLs as a principal reference. Audio Adventure used our S40 (40 watter) as their reference amp with the SL3s. Audiophile producer John Marks has publicly praised our amps and he heard them with SL3s -- a speaker he normally thought was cold and dry. I own SL3s myself and drive them with M70s but the S40 works fine for normal listening. Look up our reviews (TAS, Positive Feedback, Soundstage, etc.). Or email me and I'll be happy to give more info.