What power cable for DAC?

I've had my PS Audio Digital Link III for a couple weeks now. The first week I ran it off the factory power cord and it sounded quite good. I figured it could benefit from a better pc so I got a Pangea AC-14 from Audio Advisor. Now I know this isn't the greatest pc on the market, but for the price I thought I couldn't go wrong. It has made my system a lot brighter and subdued the low notes significantly. Does anyone have any suggestions for a better pc for this dac?? If it makes any difference, my Arcam integrated amp is running off a PS Audio Prelude SC pc.
PC's are a trial and error item. I have tested a lot of them and between a friend of mine and myself I have come to a conclusion. What worked in his system usualy didn't work in mine. But one that did work in both systems, and I'm currently useing is the MAC HC SoundPipes. They are very affordable and I've been very pleased with mine. I run them on my CD player and my amp.
Hope this helps. John
The Acoustic Zen El Nino is a good cord for digital sources at a reasonable price.