What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
More likely: wired correctly for science and wrongly for high-end audiophile pseudo-science and BS. :-)
Well, then I am the odd one out here. Then again, I do work in the fields of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information ;-)

I'm 38 and I'm a registered medical radiation technologist specializing in CAT SCAN. I've just added a few new pieces and awaiting delivery. I have a modest system retails for 10k.

im 50 and own a dog grooming shop. ive only been into this hobby for a few yrs. my system is around 8k.
Superfund, how does a 24 year old have a 13K system? I am glad another chemist is on board here but you are a lucky man or have a rich father. Best of luck my friend.