What should be the first component when upgrading?

I currently have this terrible system:

-Infinity SM 62 Bookshelves (on stands)
-Sherwood RX-4105 Receiver
-Source is Apple Powerbook (iTunes) or iPod

This summer I bought Grados SR80 headphones and they simply BLEW my mind. I heard things in my music which I've NEVER heard before (and this is with MP3's!). I listened to practically every song over again because of this increased resolution.

So naturally I wish to upgrade my above system. I've been researching the last few months and have come up with a couple of options:

-Epos ELS-3/Wharfedale Diamond 9.1/PSB Image B25 speakers
-Cambridge Audio 540a v2.0/NAD C320BEE/used Marantz/etc. integrated
-Hsu research VTF-2/STF-1/STF-2
-Standalone CD player (cambridge audio 540c?)/NAD ...

I just found a VTF-2 on here for 275 which seems like an awesome deal. Just wondering which component you guys would replace and in what order?

I was thinking of getting the sub first because I could use it with my existing system and then upgrade the other components in this order (integrated amp, speakers, cd player) ....

But after reading some more on the forums, maybe I should keep my existing system and upgrade the cd player first (garbage in= garbage out) ...

Or maybe I should get the integrated amp first?

Seriously seeking guidance in building this budget system as this will be my fisrt foray into budget hi-fi .... what would you guys do??
Wait... why not keep the powerbook in the chain.. you are by now used to browsing your music via iTunes... right? External USB hard drive, and rip those CDs in apple lossless. Then get a good USB dac, like from Scott Nixon, and it will sound better than any CD player in the price range of the DAC ($500).
Or to simplify things even further (budget), check out the new 2 channel Outlaw receiver that received a very good review in Stereophile earlier this year, it has a USB input... powerbook straight in (it would not sound as good as a dedicated USB DAC though). But I think you should look at amplification first, be sure to check out integrated amps from Creek, Rega, Roksan, to name a few in addition to your list.
Good luck!
count out cd-player from your upgrades.
it's a unit you're getting as an add-on component to your system while having a hefty collection of music in your i-pod that you would still be playing(or you're replacing your MP3 music with CDs?)...

think of amplification first in your case.
I would work back ward from the speakers.

Just floorstanders and/or a subwoofer will make the most impact on your current system.
I guess your budget dictates which component you should be upgrading first ie. the cheapest one. I think it doesn't matter which component you should be upgrading first since you're upgrading everything in the end aren't you? If I were to choose, looking at your list of components, I would say find the speakers first that appeal to you both sound and looks, then the matching amp and lastly the source.