What was/is the heaviest weight amp you herd/own

My current amp is a McIntosh MC252 @ 98lbs. My old Pioneer Elite was under 10lbs, I belive. My current amp IS the heaviest I have owned.
I had the Krell FPB 700cx which weighed about 165 lbs. I thought that was a monster till I got my Classe Omicron. The bax shipping ticket listed it at 282 lbs with the case. It took two people to move it when I had to adjust the placement in my listening room.

I'm not sure I'd like to own the record holder, but I guess once it's in place there really is no need to move an amp.
I used to own a YBA passion amp.....160lbs aprox, 73kg

As some of you know....I've gone away from the massive to a differernt philosophy of very low mass.A la Michael Green.I've stripped all my components down to bare minimum.Basically only the circiut boards.
I used to own Audio Research M300s, 110 pounds each, 90% of that in the front, it seemed. Slimmed down to Lamm ML 1.1s, 70 pounds each, as I'm not as young as I used to be.
just looked it up the krells i refered to in the earlier post are 600 lbs/side!! and the size of a coffee table