When is it to hot to cut the grass?

Here in Jersey it's been hovering in the high nineties, probably hit 100* today. We are having heat advisories. Should I cut my lawn? What do people do in Arizona?
I was an arborist tree climber in N. NJ for many years. All year long in the coldest and hottest of days. We advertised for hazardous BIG removals. No bucket or cherry picker (?) Build some testosterone levels, do your lawn and have a lemonaid. HA
First of all, don't come here for gardening and/or medical advice. That said, if you are worried about your grass, I would leave it long until it cools down. What people do in AZ is not relevant, since if they have grass, its not the cool season bluegrass/fescue/rye you probably have.
I have asthma and found it is best to take a puff on the Albuterol before mowing (not after) that way my symptoms never happen at all!

fkn hot in Michigan too and I have to mow tonight...
