When is it to hot to cut the grass?

Here in Jersey it's been hovering in the high nineties, probably hit 100* today. We are having heat advisories. Should I cut my lawn? What do people do in Arizona?

"When is it too hot to cut the grass?"

When you see a dog chasing a cat...... and they're both walking.

Quote from Uncle Briggs, Paducah, Ky.

Heard this while attending college in 1976 and still enjoy it and mentioning it whenever I can.


I cut the grass last evening.
Kept the buds then chucked the stems and seeds.

Gotta go, I'm starving.
I'm in Mass., & it's been 90 degrees+ here. I've been going out in the a.m. & mowing for 20-30-40 minutes a day. Since I have almost 1/2 an acre, it takes a while, but that's OK.

Today, afterwards, I found the film "Tree's Lounge" (Highly recommended) on cable, & I've opened up a Bud Light. See, it's all about pacing, & balance......
Zydo, I was once married to a lovely farm girl, as well. Then, one moring I woke and found that she left me for a tractor salesman.... Yeah, on the nightstand she left me a John Deere letter!
Rodge827, Your lovely wife is enjoying the last laugh now!! Cheers to her!! :)