Where R U?????

All us regulars are familiar with the “Who R U” thread started by my buddy David. I met my first local audiophile friend last weekend, their aren’t many of us up here, and we have similar taste in music, and gear for that matter too! David is also ‘close’ to me(about 2-3 hour drive) other then that there is NO one, perhaps some of us are closer to each other then we realize. Of course some of us know where each other are, how ever there are many members I don’t know the location of. There are literally NO high fi dealers near me, so it is nice to see/hear a good system, set up by a fellow audiophile, my latest friend is so happy that he is not the only one in this area with this passion. So I am in the Albany, NY area, where are you folks from?
Oshkosh, Wisconsin-- "the beat to hell boombox with wires hanging out the back" capital of Wisconsin ;)

No high end shops to be found and I've yet to meet an audiophile here. Most people around here can't fathom the idea that I have a $3K turntable rig, and think a tube amp must be some kind of sausage-making device...

...and what high-end dealers I've been able to find within hundreds of miles get a little weirded out that a 20-something year old dreadlocked hooligan such as myself would have a high-end system (except for one in Madison who sold me my Conrad Johnson). Once, I nearly got in a fight with a salesman at a local "record store" who wouldn't believe such a thing as a cartridge alignment tool existed. The place was chock full of NuMark and Gemini direct drive turntables and Monster Cable. That was a fun one.

Anyone around the Fox Cities, speak up!
Dallas Fort Worth Area. Any audiophiles out there? Under the home theater storm, we are becoming endangered species, arn't we?