Where to improve phono chain?

My current system consists of Nola Baby Grands, A. Research Ref. 150 amp and A. Research Ref. 5 preamp, Tom Evans Micro Groove phono preamp, SME V arm, SOTA Cosmos table and recently re-tipped Jeff Rowland cartridge.

My musical preferences range from opera to jazz to rock.

I'd like to improve the phono section of this chain, but I'm not sure where to begin. My initial suspects are the Tom Evans phono-pre, or the Rowland stylus.

Any thought/opinions on this will be appreciated.

Thanks, Shaq
there are several upgrade options available to TE preamp. you should research them and ask specifically what will change technologically from current and what is money spent for.
other than that, i'd totally agree with ptm... you need to specify your improvement demands to what you think/hear lacking.
i bet you should open conversation with TE first as he'll be able to customize to your total needs as close as possible.
You never know with phono rigs.

They are like cars. They need periodic maintenance and regular alignments in order to keep functioning at a high level.

ALways best to make sure what you have is working as best it can before changing anything. A good start is usually to break out the cartridge alignment protractor and make sure that is set up right.
You may want to consider getting a speed control. They usually make a big difference.
or find a local dealer and take your rig in and see what else is out there and really understand what's good and what you don't like.
What about a really good IC between the phono preamp and your preamp? That will help bring out the most of what you have. Problem is - a good cable can cost as much as a good phono preamp, so it could be a difficult choice of which to get first.