Where to put damping sheets?

I've applied some strips of damping to my Music Hall CD-25, but wondering where else would be good to put some. see pic


i also lined the inside of the top of the case with sheets, 12"x10"
The adverse effect is that the music loses it's dynamics and lifelike sound ( duller or darker ).
Mburnstein that's a dumb answer. You don't want damp sheet on the mattress, they need to go in the dryer!

What results did you experience with the places you applied the sheets, and how did the placement relate to the power supplies?
after putting the damping where i did, things seemed a little more focused. although i didn't do real extensive listening, cause shortly after that i changed the op-amps from the 2604's to the dual 627's. now that did a lot. stretched things out, gave it better depth, and detail, but very smooth.

i'm not saying you're wrong but if the purpose of the damping is to reduce vibration, and you put so much you remove ever vibration in the player, woudlnt' that result in the most accurate playback? how can you overkill on removing vibration?
The ulitmate result of dampening (to extremes) is that the music comes off as lifeless. I refer generally to overdampening the room. There are reflections in the recording that relate room ambiance where the recording was made. This isn't exactly what you are asking, but the idea is there.
I noticed a similar phenomena to what Nrchy is relating when I experimented with those Mapleshade brass weights on top of my transport. Too many of them or too heavy, deadened the sound. I'm guessing the same might happen with dampening strips.