Where to put damping sheets?

I've applied some strips of damping to my Music Hall CD-25, but wondering where else would be good to put some. see pic


i also lined the inside of the top of the case with sheets, 12"x10"
The ulitmate result of dampening (to extremes) is that the music comes off as lifeless. I refer generally to overdampening the room. There are reflections in the recording that relate room ambiance where the recording was made. This isn't exactly what you are asking, but the idea is there.
I noticed a similar phenomena to what Nrchy is relating when I experimented with those Mapleshade brass weights on top of my transport. Too many of them or too heavy, deadened the sound. I'm guessing the same might happen with dampening strips.
Kray, I'm sort of with you on this issue. I agree with Nrchy on room dampening but fail to see the analogy as it apply to components which usually benefit from non-resonance. If not so, perhaps someone could have/would have invented a tweek which introduced resonance, and, what the hell, made it tunable as well. :-)

Perhaps those who like resonance in their components have overly dampened rooms.............
Over dampening the inside of a piece of gear can cause a adverse affect??? Come on now, that makes no sense at all. High end manufacturers go to great lengths to dampen their gear, if it didn't help then all gear would be built like a $100.00 cdp.
On a bad night, one strip of cvc over each ear usually makes the system more bareable!