Whest ps.30r

Having owned both the Whest Ps .20 and .30r I am now ready to try another phono stage in the same price bracket. As much as I like the Whest for all it does well. ( soundstage;dynamics; incredible detail: and quiet) I find it to lack a certain amount of humaness for want of a better word. It has to my ears a definite transister sound to it. I am looking for something that has the same depth, detail;dynamics and quietness but with a touch more warmth. We can all quote and read reviews I am looking for answers with genuine personal experience. Thanks in advance
Not sure where you're located, but there's a pretty large price difference between the DT and the Ref. In the US the DT now retails for $5K, while the Ref is at $20K. The new DT SE comes in between at $8.5K and is supposed to offer some of the Ref's circuit advancements in a single chassis, simplified design.
For all intent and purposes, the Whest Ref V is a statement component which James Henriott uses as a test bench to push the envelope and provide 'trickle down' technology to enable him to bring a truly reference, more affordable product to market. He doesn't sell that many Ref V's! That current 'real world' reference is the PS.30RDT SE which pretty much defines the state of the art in practical terms.

yes, it's true that the MC REF V is a statement product and as such sales won't be in the same ballpark as something like the new 30RDT Special Edition. But as a bench mark for the company it is superb and can see why it is important to have such a product in the range. Many companies work on the basis that hopefully adding a few 'blackgates' and 'vishay' products will upgrade the sound of their already average product. I am a firm believer of trickle-down as long as the product at the 'summit' is worthy of being there.

As to how good is the MC REF V.... I'm slowly saving up for one!...it's phenomenal.
i am thinking of saving up for the REF V as well, but would like to see if there are review of it, or anyone has used it?
has anyone seen a review?
No reviews on the REF at all. I spoke to James about it and he said quite interestingly that he did not want the review to get 'lost' in the middle of a world recession. I sort of know what he means. You can't get it reviewed twice by the same magazine. I've heard one in a system and compared it to my older (1 year old) PS.30RDT before upgrading to the Special Edition. The MC REF V is on a very different planet when comparing to the PS.30RDT. In a lot of ways it takes you away from the turntable/arm/cartridge thing and just lets you get on with listening to music but in a 4 dimensional way. It is quite an eye opener. It's neither solid state in sound to tube like. It images so confidently with these strong weighty instruments and vocals.

I'm sold on it and don't need to see a review. What I find interesting is that Whest users are generally not audiophile forum goers - I've noticed that with just a handful of other manufacturers.