Which cables and ics allow the biggest soundstage?

I enjoy cables that allow the music to pour through not constricting the sound and its subsequent effect being a large soundstage.

For those who have tried numerous cables, I'm wondering which ones (no more than $750 used for ic's and $1500 for speaker cables) have given you the biggest soundstage and if you think a certain type of design is better at this than others (i.e. solid core).
OOPS - Gabriel Gold Revelation ICs huge and deep soundstage also beautiful tone and detail about $350 or so used...
Yes all those other things contribute but cables will vary in how they influence the soundstage hence why I ask as I have not got around to trying as many cables as some seem to have here.

My own limited trials have me using Discovery Signature interconnects and solid core OHNO 12 gauge diy speaker cable.

Thanks for the suggestions so far and anymore to check out appreciated.
I would suggest getting speaker cables where the positive & negative runs are separate. This improves soundstage width & imaging. I agree re: solid core above.
I too like solid cables and unshielded as well. I'm geographically in a great place to utilize unshielded. No cable, no cell service, 20 miles to the closest RF antenna. I have no noise issues with them. My power cords, interconnects and speaker wire are unshielded. I also found treating AC in all manners; good outlets, filtering and regeneration for sources helps the image/soundstage.


For IC's I'm using Speltz's latest silver w/silver Eichmanns