Which cone's or platforms have helped?

I am curious which Cones or platforms you guys are using on your equipment that have given the best performance? Which products have you tested head to head? Which products were a big disapointment? I am currently looking at the mapleshade cones. I am already using a large maple base like they recommend. I am posting this under digital because I have been told that it can make the biggest difference on CD players.
I use Aurios 1.2 with their upgrade tungsten carbide balls under my CD player, and there are large gains in clarity and bass, at the possible expense of some upper-midrange forwardness and slight "steeliness." The trade-off's worth it to me (I suspect I'm actually simply hearing my preamp for what it is). Worth trying, and I'm told if you position the Aurios under a platform with the CD player on top of that, the problem diminishes or goes away. The 1.2s are noticeably better sounding than the 1.1s, by the way, and not hard to place (unlike the 1.0s).
I have tried a number of diffrent cones and pucks and my favorite so far is the Walker Valid Points.
Same as Tom (I am happy with Neuance shelving under the source gear).

I have used Neaunce for a year and half and other footers make my setup sound funky in comparison. Guess I am used to its sound, as well.

I have never tried roller bearings though. The closest thing to these (that I have tried) are little donuts, made of E.A.R. material, that have a ball bearing squeezed into the center (they don't R&R and are not the same as roller bearings).

Other footers/shelves have been: Maplshade cones (the cheap ones), DH cones, E.A.R. based footers (with/without the ball bearing), Vibrapods, hockey pucks, nail buffers (for light weight gear, under 5 lbs), suspension (hanging), MDF, Maple, Ikea Lack and Persimmon platforms.

I have also experiemented with top weighting, but did not care for the sound of this on any of my gear (with the exception of a few fly weight Bel Canto DAC's).

The Maplshade cone makes a nice record weight for my Thorens when inverted and blue tacked to a 45 rpm adapter.
I've gotten good results with Vibrapods all around, and also top weighting things like the CD player/Transport.
Hey Tennispro,

Here are some things that have given me the best performance:

Symposium shelves (particularly the Ultra shelf - wow!)
Silent Running Audio platforms
Newport Research Lab Tables
Aurios Pro MIBs
Symposium Rollerblocks
Black Diamond Racing Cones

Here's what I've compared head to head, in a somewhat systematic fashion:

Aurios MIB 1.2s v. Rollerblocks v. BDR cones v. Valid Points v. MGD points under digital front end; Rollerblocks v. Polycrystal cones under turntable; Townsend Seismic Sink v. Newport Lab Table v. Symposium shelves under various equipment.

Most disappointing footers I've tried:

MGD points, Vibrapods, and MIB 1.0s (more for the hassle as compared to the 1.2s, Pros, and Rollerblocks)