Which is more important? Amp or Preamp?

Would upgrading the amplifier or preamp make the biggest sonic difference? Here's my scenario. I currently own a HT setup. Previously, I had what I considered to be a decent 2 channel system (Classe amp and preamp) but wanted to move into HT. After having gone on a recent tweak-fest with cables, power conditioners, power cords, and isolation devices, I only realize now how good two channel sound can be. So what would my next logical upgrade be? I'm considering two options: First, purchase a considerably better 2 channel amplifier for my front speakers for two channel listening (and using the current multichannel amp for surround sound) or option 2...look for a better pre-processor which excels at two channel reproduction. In the end, two channel is more important to me than HT, but I do want the convenience of having HT without having two systems. Here's the list of my current equipment:
Rotel 1098 preprocessor
Rotel 1075 multi channel amp
Arcam cd92 and dv27 cd and dvd players, respectively
PS Audio PS300 power regenerator
PMC OB1 front speakers (along with various B&W surround speakers)

I'm looking on spending around $2500 for my upgrade in the USED audiogon market. I'm leaning towards the 2 channel amp upgrade (YBA, Ayre, Bryston, etc), thinking it would make the biggest difference, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions or recommendations for amplifier or pre-pro upgrades would be appreciated!

Thank you!
I certainlly agree with Maich with re. to the 565. The plain 565 does not do DTS;that requred the z3 upgrade. The sound quality on this piece is only limited by what amps and speakers you pair with it.--(Yup,had one.)
Tubes! Butler audio makes 2,3 and 5 ch. tube amps.
I'd go with a 3ch.to use with your center speaker also.
I think the key is to figure out what your budget delivers incrementally as the price pts and performance gaps of pre-pros vs amps (whether it be chging to another multi channel or adding a two channel amp for the mains only) are likely to be quite different. My guess is go for the pre-pro upgrade. Especially given...when in doubt start closer to the source. Your DVD players are really good so...One thing u may want to consider is look at both pre-pros and amps by Arcam....
Since your amp makes the sound of your preamp much louder, I'd suggest that's more important. But crap is crap, no matter which box it comes from.

Also, you can't retrieve what isn't there - so if the pre doesn't pass good things, the amp can't make them appear.

Bob Wood
what's more important...Your heart or your brain.? Oxygen ,water or sunlight. ??