Which musician retired too soon?

There are a number of people who used to record and who people enjoyed that are no longer out there for one reason or another. People like Syd Barret or Cat Stevens come to mind.

I know there are a lot of people that I wish had retired, but who would you like to have seen continue in the music industry, that left already?
Tarsando.. as Professor Terguson said to Rodney Dangerfield in "Back to School".. "Good answer... I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you"...
The Rage over that Lost Penny was more than his heart could take.
Jim Messina. Despite the current Loggins and Messina tour Messina has largely not toured except for the occasional show. Great musician, songwriter, and instrumentalist not to mention producer and engineer.
Not a single artist, but...David and David did the "Boomtown" album that places high on my list of wanting MORE. Cat Stevens for sure under retired...."expired" would better fit most of the others I can think of, and mentioned above.
