Which speaker is better

Please tell me guys, which speaker is better:
B&W Signature 805
SONUS FABER Guarnieri Homage
Thank you...
Just me 2 cents... I love the Guarnieri Homage... I find the B&W not enough revealing... Of course this is to my taste...

Also, you should describe the electronics you will be using. It may be easier to give some advice...

Note: I don't own any of those speakers...
Haven't heard the SE25, but did have the opportunity to audition the new Dynaudio 1.4 against the B&W 805 signatures. Power provided by Cary amp and pre (can't remember model #'s) and source was top of the line Cary player. For my taste, I felt the 1.4 was a better match for the Cary; though both were good. It seemed the B&W had a tad more bass extension, the dyn had smoother highs. Overall, I felt the dyn was more musically satisfying, but again, just my personal taste in sound. I seem to prefer those soft tweeters! Try to audtion them side by side, with the same setup.