Which sub is better for audio

I am looking to buy a sub to be used primarily for audio. My options are Sunfire true sub, HSU, and Bag End. I intend to spend no more than $1500. Your advice will be appreciated.
Genesis 928. I saw one on audiogon new for $1250.00. At that price you can not due better. Two tweleve inch metal drivers and 1000watt digital amp.
Guys, thanx for the help. It is interesting to see than the Sunfire hasn't made the list so far. I well come more advice. Thank you again.
I own the REL Strata III. I am a former "sub-hater". The REL changed my mind . It really blends with your mains perfectly and avoids any of the "boom boom" you usually get. My priorities are Stereo first, and 5.1 second, so is REL's. Looks good as well!
Some folks will think I'm nuts, but last year Klipsch came out with their short-lived Sunfire-class sub: LF-10. They discontinued it quickly, reportedly because they decided not to enter an already well-served market. They're still available on eBay and other sources, typically for under $700. I have one, crossing it over at 50 Hz, and I'm well-pleased.
I bought the Genesis 928 and am very happy with its 2 15" woofers. Great Stereophile review. It also has an accelerometer mounted on it to prevent bass overhang.