Which Threshold s are best?

Just wondering for those of you up on Thresholdif one were looking for a vintage piece which Threshold to look for?I assume one made while Mr.Pass ran the show.Thinking more than 100 maybe 150 to 300 a side.Also thoughts if any about the licence he gave Nakamichi to build their Stasis 100 and 200 wpc amps.Can they deliver on the cheap?Are there problem amps to avoid?
Lawyerman great analysis of the Threshold amps.
The Threshold SA/4e is a great amp. I also prefer the Threshold SA series over the Pass Labs new stuff.

Sorry my beautiful silver Threshold SA/1's are not for sale. Will probably take them to my grave.
I own an original S350e. Pretty much all Threshold amps are great sounding especially the S and SA series, last of the Nelson Pass designs. I would assume that the new Chinese reissue of the S350e should sound as good as the originals if the same parts are used, the only issue may be possibly one of quality control and reliability. The original designs were built like tanks and designed to last a lifetime. That being said though there are some pretty decent designs comming out of China these days. As far as comparing the Threshold sound to Pass Labs I haven't had the oportunity to listen to as many Pass Lab amps as I have Threshold as there is no Pass dealer in my area. I will say though that even though the Pass amps may be newer much more expensive designs, the older Threshold designs can hold their own quite well against the Pass designs OR most any of the newer designs of any other manufacture. I'm sure we can all agree on one thing though, Nelson Pass has got to be one of the top few great amp designers.
Greatb to see this thread keep on keepin' on.Would like to know about mods or basic service if anybody has the tip there.Obviously the build quality was there in fisrt place (unlike Adcom who justI think were too big a company to keep quality control reasonable with their (excellent) NP designed "Gold Badge Series".Might have kept the rack if Adcom with it's swell head reviews of it's 41K D/A processor got cute and had a digital INPUT with no output for the CD player.Otherwise a nice inexpensive balanced stack but while i sold them so contatcs for pre go all the time and small issues come up.Nakamichi's 7 and 5 series stuff still seems to be working 20 years down the line.But with the quality and price of the "real" Stasis gear one would want to knwo if any can't be repaired for lack of parts and even if not the case who to send them to.Leads?Still may end up with a Sonic Frontiers pre and Threshold yet though as time goe on with good digital like Bel Canto and PS Audio and companies like Plinius,Nuforce,and current darling Parasound are out there.Not to mention high quality hybrids like Pathos and Unico though these maybe the bedroom set and not worthy of comparison with large hi-current amps.Choices like freedom can be a bitch but you'd rather have them than not.But repair and upkeep tips fopr anybody still reading post would be appreciated.